Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Valentine's Day

Charlie and I were in Las Vegas for Valentine's Day watching my siblings and Daniel was at home in Austin going to school. So I didn't have high expectations for Valentine's Day but it ended up being great. Daniel ordered me chocolates and the book The Hobbit for me do I would get my present on Valentine's. It was such a great present. It is a gorgeous book with beautiful illustrations inside. For Charlie I got him the cutest little knit zebra stuffed animal.
Since my parents were out of town I set up little gifts for my siblings and blew up tons of balloons and put them all over the floors of their rooms. Charlie loves the balloons and chases them all around the house for days. It was sad to be away from Daniel but nice to be with my family.
Once I got home Daniel planned a little party for us to celebrate Valentine's. He built an awesome fort over our bed and got lots of different treats to eat. It was fun to be back with him and Charlie loved the fort!

9 months!

Charlie turned 9 months old yesterday! I can't believe how fast it's gone. He is such a fun little boy. He is VERY active. He never stops moving. He started crawling when he was 5 1/2 months and hasn't stopped since. He loves to stand up and now can stand up on his own without holding on to anything. He LOVES to eat. The only thing he doesn't like is peas. He has begun to take steps on his own but doesn't seem very interested in walking. His favorite thing to do is pull anything he can off shelves. He also likes to suck on everything. And lately he loves to sneak up on me and bite my toes...so weird. He also loves to give kisses with his whole mouth open. He has started to sleep through the night more and now only wakes up once or twice and cries for about 5-10 minutes then falls back asleep. The other night he slept for 13 hours! It was awesome. He also takes 2 naps a day which are each 2-4 hours long. Charlie loves to play peek-a-boo and listening to music. He laughs all the time. Especially when I kiss his hands. Charlie is also SUPER ticklish! He loves to play with his daddy and gets so excited everyday when Daniel gets home from school. He is such a happy boy and hardly ever cries. This last week he has started wanting to be held ALL the time. We love our little Charlie boy! He is so much fun!