Friday, March 2, 2012

Daniel's 26th Birthday!

Daniel turned 26 last Saturday! I decorated the apartment on Friday before he got home from school. I had made garland out of small felt circles, blew up tons of balloons and made a happy birthday sign out of felt. Charlie chases the balloons around for hours. after he got home we went to Chuy's for dinner. It is our favorite place so far in Austin. Then we came home and put Charlie to bed and watched a movie.

On Saturday for his birthday. We all slept in a bit then went down to the mall. Whenever we go shopping we just end up finding something for Charlie. Daniel picked out a cute tie for him. We then went down to Home Goods and Daniel picked out some food from there. (for some reason he LOVES to try all there packaged foods). He got mango licorice, tigers blood soda and root beer in bottles. We then went grocery shopping. When we got back we put everything away really fast and I started to make his cake. Daniel has the same cake every year now except he wanted lemon instead of white. I made it for him for his 24th birthday (our first one together) and now that's what he picks for every special occasion. I make a delicious whipped cream, white chocolate pudding, marshmallow frosting then cover the cake in strawberries, raspberries, kiwi and blue berries. Yummy.

That night we went to south congress for dinner and Italian sodas. Our friends Ashley and Greg came with us. We are dinner at a pita trailer. It was SO good! It was pretty cold and windy out so we were happy to get inside Big Top Candy Shop. It is such a cute shop. We got delicious Italian sodas and Daniel picked out a bag of salt water taffy, his favorite. Then we walk around a bit outside. And headed back home for cake and presents. It was a wonderful day and so fun to just focus on Daniel for a few days.



He's sticking out his tongue not wearing lipstick!

Daniel is such a wonderful man and I am so blessed to have him as my husband. Charlie already crawls to the door as fast as he can when he hears Daniel come in. He loves his daddy. We love you Daniel! Happy birthday!

1 comment:

  1. That cake sure does look yummy! Happy walking to Charlie...they do grow so fast!
